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The Weird and the Weary

Feb 26, 2019

No, it isn't some rom-com but a mixture of two subjects that share some similarity to the weirdness and weariness in the world. Being single sucks and being ghosted is always a risk at times but some dig ghosts. Like so much they'll marry one. For example, Ms. Amanda Teague, an Irish lass from Ireland, married Haitian...

Feb 19, 2019

Imagine you're just walking down the street minding you own business when suddenly you begin to not feel like yourself and get nad headaches and aches. And then you aren't yourself but a German doctor named Dr. Fritz. And you perform surgeries with a rusty penknife. Or you're a genius nineteen year old young lady with...

Feb 12, 2019

Some people aspire to be bigger than life whether it's through art, politics, or just through good ole community involvement like Phoenix Jones, a self-proclaimed superhero who actually has helped to protect some civilians in Washington state. Or some like to set rigorous goals for themselves like running 50 marathons...

Feb 5, 2019

Imagine driving somewhere like any other day. Be it from or to work, day in day out. But this one time, you're a little unsure as to how you went from point a to point holy crap what the heck just happened? Or what if your catatonic son became restless so you decide to give him some ambien and the next thing you know...